Programmer used secret scripts to automate his life, and now you can too

Laziness isn’t always a bad trait… especially if you can channel it as creatively as this. The anonymous programmer has created scripts to automate even the most menial daily tasks. However, these weren’t discovered until he left his position and his former colleagues found and posted them on GitHub for the world to enjoy. The repository contains a dozen types of useful scripts for all sorts of things, from texting his wife with an array of excuses for being late home from work to a script that detected if he wasn’t logged in at the office by 8:45AM and emailed his boss…

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Google Search has a hidden Star Wars easter egg

Star Wars Google
When Google announced a set of Star Wars themes and gags across its suite of products, turns out it didn’t tell us everything. The company sent out this cryptic tweet yesterday: Hint: Search the beginning. #ChooseYourSide — Google (@google) November 23, 2015 It asks users to  ‘search the beginning’, by which it means the famous first preceding the Star Wars opening crawl: “a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.” Do that, and you’ll be treated to a set of search results styled like the beginning to every Star Wars movie ever. The accompanying John Williams score,…

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from The Next Web

Heat Wave

Madrid is a city that can easily reach 40º C in July and August.
I challenged myself to create a series playing ironically with the extreme weather conditions of te summer and the heat wave as a concept.
The resulting images are a series of fresh compositions to avoid thirst and survive the high temperatute with a smile.

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