The newest series by Manila-based paper artist Patrick Cabral (previously) features three white animals detailed with elements of black and gold. A pink nose serves as a stylistic outlier for a whiskered tiger, while the long and narrow trunk of Cabral’s elephant is completed with a dazzling linear adornment in gold. The animal’s design is similar to a previous elephant iteration Cabral created out of paper in 2017. However, the newer piece’s radial patterns on its forehead and symmetrical ears provide a distinct contrast in composition. To support their more permanent display, the artist used MDF to form each intricate layer.
These works, in addition to a quetzal with wide-spread wings, were commissioned by Starbucks for a new Reserve location in Manilla, Philippines. You can learn more about how these sculptures came to fruition on Instagram.
from Colossal
It’s no secret that data is growing fast. A study by IDC titled Data Age 2025 predicts that worldwide data creation will grow to an enormous 163 zettabytes (ZB) by 2025. And if this does not give you the picture of how fast data grows, according to IBM, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data a day and 90 percent of the world’s data (that’s 90 percent of all the data ever created) had been created in the last two years (for the year 2016) . Just when we are experiencing such a massive explosion of data, have you ever thought about how data can be used to benefit your business or work role?
Embracing Big Data may sound complicated but it need not be. Web scraping (aka. web crawling, web data extraction, web harvesting, screen scraping, etc) is a technique used for acquiring large amounts of data from the web, such as social media, news portals, government reports or forums and turn it into structural dataset such as Excel, CSV, or database. This data can then be analyzed or processed for various purposes. Despite that web scraping is really nothing new, not many of us are aware of the web scraping activities happening around us every day. So in this article, I want to share the ways real businesses are using web scraping to achieve their strategic goals. If you are lucky, you may be enlightened by some of these ideas.
1. Content Aggregation
Collect articles of any topics from UGC platforms such as Quora or Medium conveniently. Broaden the scope of your original content by including other’s people’s perspectives.
2. Competitive Monitoring
Stay tuned of what your competitors are doing, their events, product developments, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns. Knowing what those competitors are up to can help you stay ahead of the game and always be ready to fight back.
3. Sentiment Analysis
Understand customer sentiment and feedback by extracting reviews from E-commerce portals and other public sites.
Know your customers better and how they are perceiving the products and services offered by your business. Depending on the specific industry, Yelp, Amazon, Trip Advisors and the other dozens of rating and review sites are great places to explore.
4. Lead Generation
Simply find a website where your prospective buyers can be found, fetch the information you need such as phone numbers, emails, addresses. Web scraping can help you collect thousands of leads within minutes. If you are not sure where to look, check this article 88 Resources Tools to Become a Data Scientist. I am sure there will be one you can use.
5. Gather real estate listings
Scrape property details and agent contact details from real estate websites (eg. Zillow, Realtor, etc)
Turn any data you find online into structured data and analyze them using any BI tools. Custom analysis can effectively reflect public demand and behaviors that are important for any businesses.
7. Create product catalogs by scraping product information (price, images, rating, reviews etc) from retailer/manufacturer/E-commerce websites (eg. Amazon, eBay, Alibaba etc.)
8. Find out what’s trending in the market by collecting data from different social media websites (eg. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc)
9. Fetch video, including titles and subtitles from YouTube and other similar video hosting sites.
10. Machine Learning
Crawl all the data you need, let it be data points, images, or files for training your bots from the largest repository of data, the web!
11. Search Engine Optimization
Scrape metadata (eg. title/description/etc) from any websites or crawl internet search engine results for Search Engine Optimization monitoring.
Use web scraping to monitor what your competitors are offering in real time. Learn about your competitors’ pricing strategies and increase your profits.
13. Build a job board by scraping job pages on company websites or jobs sites (eg. Indeed, Glassdoor, etc).
19. Build your own price comparison site for all kinds of products and services.
20. Scrape insurance coverage from providers’ websites.
21. Brand Monitoring/Online Reputation
If you have a brand that people talks about via different channels, such as social media, forums or others, you might want to set up an automatic mechanism to fetch those data relevant to your interest and implement sentiment analysis for better decision marking.
22. Detect fake reviews
Use web crawling to filter out fake reviews (shillings) for more accurate analysis.
23. Target audience in advertising
Scrape customer profiles for accurate ad targeting. Understand your customers better by analyzing their comments or reviews, such as their genders, age groups, spending habits even hobbies to make better-targeted ads based on the observed patterns. If available, use profiles information for accurate ad targeting.
24. Scrape health physicians or doctors including their contact information from the various directory or hospital/clinic websites
25. Scrape historical judgments report as case reference for legal purposes
26. Scrape restaurant menu
27. Extract financial data in real time, such as stock and fund prices
28. Extract medical information, such as medicine details from Pharmaceutical Websites
29. Fetch sports data from different sport portals
30. Scrape car data or vehicle parts information from the web
As Carly Fiorina, former executive, president, and chair of Hewlett-Packard Co. had said, “the goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” Having the World Wide Web around means having the world’s largest and unbiased database, creating unprecedented business opportunities. Act now and stay ahead of the game.
Voice assistants provides a lot more than we think, whether it is setting up quick reminder or ordering food, users can get things done a lot faster and easily than a mobile app, and hence Voice technology is going to be next big thing. Amazon Alexa lead it and have 73% market share in 2018. There is lot more you can do with Alexa, here is list of Top 10 things you can try with your Alexa device. In various predictions we see that by 2020 50% of all searches will be Voice Search. Each year Alexa is setting high selling records on Amazon. It also becomes #1 Top Free app on Google Play and Apple App Store, as it requires mobile app to setup Alexa first time. Not only echo devices but various other smart home devices that are in top selling list are Alexa enabled devices.
6 reasons why voice will be next big thing:
1] It has capability to do almost everything and anything that can be done using Mobile app: As it has capability to develop custom skills, we can develop skills and can connect it to our existing database and with code we can perform almost any operation that can be done with website or mobile app.
2] Quickest way of choosing any internal option for example: if user wants to check his next day’s meetings schedule, he will not need to go through any options/tap one by one. Instead user can directly access by single voice command.
3] Handsfree experience and multitasking: User can get things done while doing other task like operating something, cooking, reading, exercising, cleaning, driving car etc.
4] It gives user option to perform task and be away from screen, it is beneficial for eyes, eyes conscious people prefer voice assistants over screen based devices.
Image from Optimum Technical Labs LLP (Alexa Skills Development Company)
5] Most natural way of communicating with computers: old age people who find it difficult to learn to use smart phone, voice command prove to be easiest thing, as it is most natural way communicating.
6] The best choice over smartphone for Blind and Hand disabled people: As we are discussing voice assistants can perform any task that smartphone does and hence it is best for blind and hand disabled people they do not need to struggle or try for using screen based device for getting any info and various other tasks.
There are more almost 70,000 Skills published on Alexa Skills Store and increasing. Top popular skills have approx. 10,000 Reviews and receiving approx. 15 reviews daily, that is only reviews, imagine its usage.
Going to build Alexa Skill?
Work on your idea: So you have an amazing idea and want to build Alexa Skill for it. Now time is to start work on it. Most important thing to take first step and move ahead step by step. First we need to identify need of skill. and start creating document to list out major points.
Check out your competitors: Go through Amazon Alexa Skill Store on web or on Mobile and check skills related to your idea, and figure out how can your idea be better? or which special feature can you provide to users?
Target Audience: As voice is most natural way of communication, there are almost all age of users, from young to old. we can figure out our audience, some skills are completely designed for kids like learning game and some skills to provide help to elders. General skill can have large audience, skills which can be used by anyone.
Choose right team: Now you have Idea and you have checked market. Its time to start building it. Choosing right team is most crucial part.
Alexa Skill development being quite new field, there are not so many developers and agencies like we see in Web or Mobile app development. While developing any application there are so many important factors that we need to focus on, apart from technical expertise, we need to check if team really cares about providing us best solution with proper support.
Want to generate money from your Skill: Amazon provide In-Skill purchase feature and now there is Consumable using which we can provide repetitive payment option, some digital service/product which user can buy, use and buy again.
Focusing on below points will ensure great VUI (Voice User Interface). Skill should have great VUI, it depends on various factors, users should not be forced to listen long content, users should get right help at right time, skill should be able to provide proper data suitable to user, skill’s flow should feel like real conversation not like any old customer service phone call.
1] Invocation Name: Invocation name is used for invoking skill (to start our Alexa skill/app). This must be very clear and meaningful, and something that user can remember, as user needs to call skill’s name to open it. Ideally skill name should be of two words and matching with complete invocation sentence for eg. Alexa, Open Peace World. Here “Peace World” is invocation name. There can be few different words that can be used in place of “Open” like Ask [which is widely used], Begin, Do, Launch, Load etc.
2] Intent: Your technical team may use this word, here Intents we can say like each function that our skill will perform. So users can call different Intents to perform different functions. For eg. if any skill does Turn on/off light. So it can have one Intent for Turn on/off light and one Intent for Adding new user.
3] Utterances: Utterances are synonyms of sentence which we have for calling different Intents. While building Alexa Skill there is option to write utterance manually, these utterance are sentence which user can tell to go to particular intent, or to open particular stage inside our skill. We should write as many utterance as possible. We can take example of one skill, I am developing for hotel, there we have various option that user can ask, if user have to ask for breakfast hours, utterances can be:
What are the breakfast hours?
What time does the breakfast service start?
When is breakfast?
What time does the breakfast service end?
Please let me know the hours of breakfast
What are breakfast hours each morning?
Although Alexa automatically understands similar or matching sentences but it is good to provide many utterances.
4] Music: This part is most important in Alexa skill and unlike mobile app Alexa is based on voice and hence music plays important role. Starting skill with nice music and playing appropriate music on different stage makes skill more compelling and nice to hear. You can find free music files or you can hire someone to create custom music for you.
a) Beta Test: Amazon Developer console now has new option Beta Test which allows us to share our skill with other before publishing and we can keep editing our skill while beta test.
To Enable beta test Go to Distribution option on your In Development skill
b) Be Clear with What Skill can do, so users can set correct expectations
c) Skill should encourage users to leave review so you can know what users are expecting from skill
d) Stay up to date with latest Voice technology and implement skill in best possible way and keep improving it, Voice technology is still emerging and will emerge rapidly over the next years, skill will need to keep update as well.
Designing for Voice is very different than designing for screen. We should not think its flow, interaction with user like we think while developing mobile app or website. Instead the best way to design for Alexa skill is to just to practice real conversation like Alexa Skill will initiate when user will tell “this” invocation sentence then what will be response of Alexa and so on.
Here is one example diagram, for flow we can design any kind of similar diagram:
Rough Alexa Skill flow designed by Optimum Technical Labs LLP
Designing a initial rough flow like above helps a lot in making whole scenario clear.
One good thing with Alexa Skills is that users never have to download any skill as it runs completely on cloud, users only need to enable skill.
Now comes the actual development part, Amazon provides ASK(Alexa Skill Kit) using which we can develop Skills for Alexa, for developing any custom Alexa Skill there are majorly two sections:
1] Amazon Developer Console: Amazon Developer Console has Alexa Skills section and it has good GUI. It is required to publish any Alexa Skill and it contains information about Invocation name, Intents, Utterances, Endpoint.
From here we can Distribute skill and can also set Beta test, can invite team members or anyone to do Beta test.
2] Backend: Backend/Endpoint of Alexa Skill, as complete Alexa Skill always runs on Cloud, each and every Alexa Skill requires Endpoint. For this we have two options, we can either create endpoint on AWS Lambda or on Own Server.
a) AWS Lambda provides ready to go setup and hence it can be faster. We do not need to create SSL secured server.
b) Own Server: In this case, we require to have https SSL enable server running on port 443 only, and we can use Flask or any other framework to act as server.
Server will have to handle JSON requests from Alexa and will have to provide JSON response. Both AWS and Own server will do same work internally.
Functions & Features :
In this part each skill will differ. It depends on features you want in your skill.
It can be:
Normal question and answer
or if we want to implement some conversation capability
or if we want to connect it to our existing system to our database to provide valuable information to user.
or if it is a game it will include story telling, conversation, music on proper steps etc.
or if the skill is for internal use of Business then we will need to use Alexa for business
Pricing & Budget:
It will almost fully depend on Function & Features we want, as mentioned above.
Another major factor on which Pricing depends is to whom you hire, whether they are big agency or team or single developer.
A good Alexa Skill Development team should have :
Voice User Interface designer
Developer (Python/Node.js etc)
Quality Assurance Engineer
Project Manager
Now that you saw all those details about Alexa Skill Development, you may want to hire professional or team to build your Alexa Skill.
I would like to help in providing solution, you can drop enquiry and we can discuss details and suggestions to create better Alexa Skill. We have proper process and team to develop Alexa Skill with great standards.
I hope that I have covered almost everything you need to know to start building your own Alexa Skill. If you have any doubts/queries/suggestions, please let me know in comments, I will surely reply.
and don’t forget to Clap, if you like this article :)
Amazon is adding garages to the list of places it can deliver packages in a tie-in with garage door kingpin Chamberlain. If you have a MyQ smart garage door opener or garage control hub from Chamberlain (or its Liftmaster brand), you’ll be able to choose “in-garage delivery” as a checkout option on starting this spring. This is the third delivery option Amazon has added to its Amazon Key service, joining car trunks and front doors.
The garage might end up being the cheapest and easiest way to get secure Amazon package deliveries. In-home delivery requires both a compatible smart lock and an Amazon Cloud Cam, with the cheapest combo starting at $220. Trunk deliveries require a GM or Volvo vehicle from 2015 or later with an active OnStar or Volvo on Call subscription.
By comparison, Chamberlain sells a smart control hub that works with any opener for $80. The Cloud Cam is optional, which might make sense, given that you can still keep your home entry door locked. And, speaking from experience, being able to control and monitor your garage door from anywhere is pretty neat, even if you seldom use the package delivery option.
from Fast Company
Are you looking for tips on how to design high-converting landing pages? If so, you have come to the right place. In this brief but informative guide, you will learn the top 7 user experience principles you need to know to design landing pages which convert, and have a high conversion rate.
Before we begin, let us again remind ourselves what a landing page is and what its goals are. A landing page is a dedicated online page built solely for accomplishing one or more marketing goals such as generating leads or getting clicks. When designed and promoted correctly such pages can become valuable marketing instruments. Building high-converting landing pages requires extensive knowledge in such areas as consumer psychology, marketing, copywriting, design, and most importantly, UX — user experience.
Some readers might be unfamiliar with the science of user experience. We must therefore also remind ourselves what this science is about. By user experience, we mean a set of emotions and experience in general, related to using some product or service. User experience as science seeks to determine the key principles and factors which are responsible for creating a certain user experience and discover ways to build the desired UX based on these findings.
As such, UX design services can be successfully applied to designing landing pages and increasing their effectiveness, i.e. conversion rate and other important indicators. So with this in mind, let us review in detail the exact UX principles you should apply to design your landing pages in the future.
Principle #1: No Distractions (No Navigation)
(Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash)
Distractions are the enemies of high conversion. You don’t want your reader to be distracted by irrelevant elements on your web page. You want him or her to be focused on only one thing — your page’s content to persuade him to take the desired action. Therefore, you must ensure the complete absence of any distracting and irrelevant elements on the web page such as for example, navigation.
Yes, you heard that right, navigation bars must be absent on landing pages. As such, it is an irrelevant element which distracts users from the landing page. Therefore, it must be removed. Don’t give your page’s visitors a single chance to get distracted. Besides navigation bars, there may be present some other distractive elements such as pop-up forms, etc. Carefully scan your landing pages to identify anything which may distract visitors and get rid of those.
Principle #2: Minimalism
(Photo by Thomas Quaritsch on Unsplash)
Even among the elements which seem relevant and necessary, there may prove to be some non-essential ones which your landing page can do without. For example, unnecessary links which can take visitors away from a page, irrelevant useless content, etc. Once again, carefully scan a landing page to see if there are any non-vital elements which you can get rid of.
This will allow to further improve a visitor’s focus, and correspondingly, your conversion rate. Minimalism is a real deal. Think of Apple’s success. Minimalism is the cornerstone of the brand’s philosophy which is largely responsible for its success. If Apple always seeks minimalism, wouldn’t it make sense for you to do so as well?
#Principle 3: One Purpose, One CTA (Call-To-Action)
(Photo by Smart on Unsplash)
This principle once again demonstrates the importance of clear focus in landing page design. No distractions, minimalism and one purpose — this is what makes a high-converting landing page. Some landing pages oftentimes have more than one CTA. This confuses visitors and can decrease the conversion rate. A landing page must have only one goal, not two or more. You must have only one call-to-action throughout your entire page. If you want to add more than one CTA, you need to create separate pages for each.
Principle #4: Don’t Use Too Many Fields in Your Forms
Many landing pages have forms which request personal information from visitors. A logical question arises: what affects the conversion rate of a form, and correspondingly the conversion rate of your landing page? The answer is simple — what kind of information you request.
Oftentimes we can see forms with a million of fields starting from your address and ending with your pet’s name. Needless to say, such forms don’t usually enjoy high conversions. You must strive to request only the most essential information which you cannot do without. The fewer fields you use, the better.
Principle #5: Use the Right Color Scheme
(Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash)
Remember once and for all, color is everything. What colors you use affects the behavior of your visitors, their mood and emotions i.e. the entire user experience. It is therefore important to select the right color scheme for your landing page. Now, how do you go about it? Ideally, you should have a UX expert/designer who can select the right palette using his or her knowledge of color theory. Otherwise, you may want to dive into the subject yourself or find ready-to-use color templates such as this one.
Principle #6: Use the Right Fonts
(Photo by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral on Unsplash)
What fonts you use greatly affects a user’s perception of the text. You may have the best content in the world, but if it is laid in a horrible font, then nothing will help. Therefore, it is not enough to just have the right copy. That copy must be laid out with the right font. There is a separate division in the science of UX which deals with fonts — typography.
It is a good idea to learn some basic UX principles of typography. Usability Geek has prepared a great article on the subject. The bottom line is, ensure that you use the right fonts which perfectly align with other elements of your landing page.
Principle #7: Use Lists and Bullet Points
(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
Using bullets and lists is a great way to highlight the key points you want your readers to see. Also, it can serve as a great way to catch and focus a user’s attention. Information presented in form of bullets and lists is more easily perceived. Therefore, always put the key takeaways in such form. It is a good idea to list the main advantages in such a way. Use them wherever and whenever you can.
Final Thoughts
We hope you found this brief overview helpful. User experience is real science. If you learn the basic principles of effective UX and apply them to landing page design you should expect much higher conversions and overall business success. We wish you good luck on your journey:)
from Hacker Noon—-3a8144eabfe3—4
Contrary to popular belief, the steadfast march toward automation is affecting all sorts of fields — not strictly blue-collar industries like manufacturing and transportation. Already, artificially intelligent systems (AI) are reviewing contracts and mining documents in discovery; determining which job candidates get callbacks; and selecting the inventory retailers choose to highlight for particular customers.
And now, at least one publication’s using it to pen first drafts of stories.
According to a report this morning in Digiday, Forbes recently rolled out a new tool in its content management system (CMS) — Bertie — that composes rough article drafts which merely need to be fine-tuned rather than written from scratch. It’s an evolution of the business publisher’s semiautomated topic recommendation feature, which surfaces news topics based on writers’ previous work, and it’s expected to become available to all Forbes contributors in North America and Europe early this year.
Salah Zalatimo, Forbes Media’s newly appointed chief digital officer, described the robot-penned pieces as “thought starters” rather than publishable work. Toward that end, the tool sources both Forbes and competitors for links to contextually relevant articles about topics, along with images that might improve the story.
It’s not unlike Reuters Lynx Insights tool in that respect, which launched in March. Like Bertie, Lynx Insights surfaces key data related to stories — helping reporters to, for example, quickly analyze historical trends in commodities pricing.
And it reflects something of a trend. As Digiday notes, Forbes and Reuters are far from the only news publishers experimenting with AI reporting tools.
The Washington Post’s in-house Heliograf platform, which generates short stories on a range of topics like the Olympics, congressional and gubernatorial races, and high school football games, spit out 850 articles in 2017, a number which grew to “thousands” in 2018. The Associated Press, meanwhile, in partnership with startup Automated Insights, deployed an AI writer in 2015 that’s able to produce roughly 2,000 articles a second with fewer errors than their human-produced equivalents.
Despite how it might seem, AI-assisted reporting platforms aren’t necessarily a harbinger of machine-driven newsrooms, Jeremy Gilbert, director of strategic initiatives at the Washington Post, contends.
In an interview with Digiday, he says that tools like Heliograf can spot unexpected trends in news events, or undertake some of the time-consuming legwork currently performed by human reporters, like identifying trends in vast financial datasets. In 2014, for example, the LA Times used a machine learning algorithm to comb through eight years’ worth of public records — findings that contributed to a report on the Los Angeles Police Department’s history of misclassifying violent crimes.
“We think we can help people find interesting stories,” he said.
That jibes with the AP’s strategy. It estimates that its automation tools have freed up 20 percent of reporters’ time spent covering corporate earnings alone.
“One of the things we really wanted reporters to be able to do was when earnings came out to not have to focus on the initial numbers,” Philana Patterson, an assistant business editor at the AP, told The Verge in an interview. “That’s the goal, to write smarter pieces and more interesting stories.”
Indeed, the Tow Center predicted in a 2016 report that automated journalism “will likely replace journalists who merely cover routine topics.” And in a survey published by Tata Communications in September, Ken Goldberg, a leading AI researcher and UC Berkeley professor, said that he expects AI’s continued advance into workplaces (including newsrooms) won’t come at the expense of jobs, but rather will “create new ways of working” and “new jobs” in companies.
“Robots and AI are not going to take away this creative, insightful, empathetic aspect of almost every job,” Goldberg said.
from Big Data – VentureBeat
Another year has passed and humanity, for better or worse, remains in charge of the planet. Unfortunately for the robots, TNW has it on good authority they won’t take over next year either. There’s always 2020. In the meantime, here’s what the experts think will happen in 2019: Dialpad, an AI startup created by the original founders of Google Voice, tells TNW that all the hype over robot assistants that can make calls on your behalf may be a bit premature. Etienne Manderscheid, VP AI, Machine Learning, for the company says “robots may attempt to sound human next year, but…