Games that UI designers can play to test their skills

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No matter how good you are in your skills, every once in a month, you still need to check whether you are still good enough or you need to open the tool and design things but hold on I got some other options to test skills in a more fun way.
Here are some of the games that UI designers can play to test their skills.
1. Kern Type, the kerning game

2. The Bézier Game

3. Can’t Unsee

4. Better Web Type

5. Shape Type

6. Color — a color matching game

7. Kolor-Color guessing Game

8. Typewar

9. It’s Centered That

10. Pixactly — A pixel game

11. Brandseen — Logo coloring Game

12. Type connection

My favourites one is can’t unsee & Kern Type. 😃
Do tell me which one is your favourite.
Hi, I am Aman Gupta, a full-time UX/UI Designer based in India. You can follow me: Dribbble . Behance . Medium
Games that UI designers can play to test their skills. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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