Here are three links worth your time:
- Why American farmers are hacking their tractors with Ukrainian firmware (5 minute read)
- How I got a second degree and earned 5 developer certifications in just one year, while working and raising two kids (8 minute read)
- How my side project satisfied my curiosity — and made me $3,000 (4 minute read)
Bonus: I live-interviewed Colm Tuite, a self-taught designer and developer from Ireland whose startup was recently acquired (32 minute watch)
Thought of the day:
“In a relatively short time we’ve taken a system built to resist destruction by nuclear weapons and made it vulnerable to toasters.” — Jeff Jarmoc
Funny of the day:

Webcomic by icecreamsandwichcomics.com
Study group of the day:
freeCodeCamp Surrey, British Colombia

Show people how much you’re learning, and help our nonprofit community grow. Forward this to friends and family interested in technology.
Happy coding!
– Quincy Larson, teacher at freeCodeCamp
Why American farmers are hacking their tractors with Ukrainian firmware was originally published in freeCodeCamp on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from freeCodeCamp https://medium.freecodecamp.com/why-american-farmers-are-hacking-their-tractors-with-ukrainian-firmware-488029e07cac?source=rss—-336d898217ee—4